Upcoming events..

Brian just recently got back from Sound Foundation Academy in Milan, IL (www.sfwaqc.com) where he buys most of his wood. He brought home a beautiful piece of wood that he has never used before, that I can recall, called Leopardwood. It is hard to explain but it looks like spots in the wood. He thinks it would make a nice accent piece in his “Saw Handle” style charcuterie board. I agree! It would definitely stand out.

He finished the three charcuterie boards. He posted them on his Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/Makin.sawdust.2 ) asking which border people liked best – walnut or padauk? The votes were split, half like the walnut and the other half liked the padauk border. These boards resemble the Prairie Flower design by Frank Lloyd Wright. I get one! I am choosing the one with the padauk border. Thanks hun!

September will be a busy month for us. He has 2 shows. On September 21st and 22nd, we will at the Riverssance Art Fair in the Village of East Davenport, IA ( https://www.quadcityarts.com/riverssance-festival.html )

For the first time, we will be in Peoria, IL for the Peoria Art Guild Fine Art Fair on Sept. 28th and 29th. If you are in the area, stop by and say hi!


Phenomenal Fall


Which border is better?